Update for the week ending Friday 8/28/09.
Grandma Karolyn was able to hold her grandson (her only grandson!) for the first time.
Brooklyn's feeding tube is gone and she's feeding from a bottle (step 1 toward normal feeding).
Bennett has had his C-Pap mask removed, is breathing on his own except for a small amount of oxygen via a pronged oxygen tube under his nose. This is ahead of schedule and one of the benefits is being able to see his face all the time vs. only when the mask is removed. The true medical benefit is that it indicates his lungs are working properly, and he has learned how to breath properly.
Brooklyn is now feeding from a bottle. Her feeding tube and all of her IV's have been removed. She is able to be held more frequently, responds to our voices (opens her eyes and turns her head). The incubator is GONE! Brooklyn is now sleeping in an open bassinet.
Ali is continuing to recover, the infection is gone, and she is able to get up and around without assistance and is doing great!
Bennett is receiving occupational therapy which is intended to loosen up his arms, legs and body movement. Due to the restrictions placed upon him w/out fluid for 18 weeks, his body was cramped, and squished, unable to move normally. He is doing well starting to move more on his own but, his arms (elbows) exhibit some restriction in fully extending, his legs and ankles need some help as well. The doctors indicate that his condition is likely "temporary" since it is relative to soft tissue and tendons and not related to bone development. We are grateful he is doing so well.
The doctors and nurses indicated from the beginning that Brooklyn would likely come home prior to Bennett, with Brooklyn leaving the NICU near the end of September and Bennett not too far behind sometime in October. As of Friday evening (8/29) Brooklyn is feeding well, sleeping in an open crib and will likely be ready to come home next weekend (4 weeks ahead of schedule).
The parameters for leaving the hospital consist of feeding (suck, swallow, and breathe w/out complications), ability to maintain own body temperature without assistance (i.e. w/out the incubator), and consistent respiration, oxygen saturation, HR and blood pressure.
Brooklyn is positively testing the maintenance of her body temperature and is progressing with feeding.
Bennett will likely be able to feed from a bottle in the next week or two, and will then likely catch-up with his sister.
It has only been a few weeks since their birth, the changes from dire and scary to stabilized and doing well has been an incredible experience. We find ourselves being grateful, amazed, and at the same time calmed as life's other challenges present themselves; having found solace and comfort in the middle of overwhelming uncertainty during the pregnancy and the additional uncertainty and chaos immediately following their delivery, we now find life's "other" challenges less of a distraction and more of a source of resolve and strength.
I find that ironic.....and at times highly amusing. I historically have spent time (probably too much?) attempting to determine what is in store for me and my family. I now spend more time doing and less time arranging. I tried to emotionally prepare myself for Bennett and Brooklyn's arrival and their likely outcomes, bracing myself and attempting to stabilize for supporting Ali.....when they arrived every moment of preparation became a wasted effort.
I find that ironic and when taken lightly, in the right context, it is highly amusing as well.
Although the stress, and the emotional and spiritual "molding", and the pressure wasn't exactly what we volunteered for (who would?); we are reminded constantly that this entire process has brought us closer to Him. We are eternally grateful for that.
Maybe that was the goal and intent all along? Or, maybe it is simply the residual benefit of being truly blessed with Bennett and Brooklyn's arrival, and our gratefulness for their current condition?
We feel transformed through the process. The current situation and results are an added benefit.
Thank you to everyone for your support, your thoughts, and your prayers.
Until next week.....(hopefully Brooklyn will be home!)